Contact Us | Fly OAJ | Ellis Airport | Jacksonville NC


Contact OAJ –  Ellis Airport, located near Jacksonville, NC & surrounding areas

The Airport is happy to assist in any way to make your travel experience more pleasurable and your airline is the best source for specific information related to flight status, baggage and any unique restrictions or requirements. Be sure to check our FAQ’s page for any questions you need answered, or get in touch with the Airport today with any questions you have about flying with us. Here you can also give us feedback if there is a way we can improve the OAJ experience.

The OAJ Team


Mitch Sprunger, A.A.E., NCAP

Interim Airport Director

910.324.1100 Ext. 5796


Benjamin Jones

Police Chief

910.324.1100 Ext. 3166


Sandra Janssen, CLGFO, C.M., NCAP

Manager of Finance and Administration

910.324.1100 Ext. 3161


Chief Coleman Cannon

ARFF/Operations Chief

910.324.1100 Ext. 3169



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